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Reverse engineering of electronics

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Setpoint board

This is the reverse engineering of a board that generate the set value of a motor drive. This board act in a closed loop. The problem was that this board wasn't available for purchase. When the board malfunctioned, we repaired it. The customer also asked if there was a possibility to duplicate it for having a spare part.

Peternet Electronics also changed the component placement and routing to become a more logic result.

6-channel control board

This board is used in the plastic industry. It is a part of an injection molding installation. This board drive heaters controlled by an external controller. We kept the same component layout, dimensions, and the position of the mounting holes to ensure that it fit into the original enclosure. The routing is improved and is therefore more simple and logical, also the number of via's are reduced. Without this board a big installation is not able to function. Also after malfunctioning, we repaired it, did reverse engineering of it, and we created a spare board.